We at Lumiere Poster Restoration value the heritage of movies contained within their posters, and we take great pride in serving to maintain those memories as valuable historical components worthy of preservation. Up until the 1980’s, the vast majority of movie posters were machine folded and shipped to theaters. The folding process would damage these posters, creating creases that would develop into points of separation, wear, and tear over time. When left folded, movie posters yellow, deteriorate and the coloration degenerates. They become susceptible to damage by acidity, humidity, and light damage.
Our core ethic involves working hand-in-hand with our clients to ensure the production of an excellent service directed at customer satisfaction. Our restoration services can drastically improve the appearance and longevity of a poster, breathing new life into a timeless piece.
Some of the benefits of today’s linen backing include flattening the folds and sealing tears. Linen backing helps facilitate the conditions necessary for several methods used to return a poster to its original state. If a poster is torn and fragile, linen backing provides much needed support and stability.
The Lumière brothers were born in Besançon, France, in 1866 and 1867. Their father, Claude-Antoine Lumière (1840–1911), ran a photographic firm and both brothers worked for him: Louis as a physicist and Auguste as a manager. Louis had made some improvements to the still-photograph process, the most notable being the dry-plate process, which was a major step towards moving images. The Lumiere brothers were instrumental in ushering in the age of motion pictures.
Poster restoration is the process of repairing, cleaning, and mounting original cinema posters on archival material. Most collectibles experts who provide this service specialize in a particular category. With movie posters, there are experts who specialize in a wide variety of restorative processes and poster types. The most common service is linen backing, where a damaged poster is mounted on a sheet of archival material for the purpose of flattening out any fold creases and wrinkles, returning it to a state of condition worthy of display. The preferred materials for mounting posters are a linebacking with a sheet of Masa paper (also known as Japanese rice paper). Coloration, text, and logos are all added, repaired, and preserved where need be.
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